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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Anan is excavating the river bank.
He sat here for 45 minutes digging.
I tried to bribe him to move with hot chocolate and
oreo cookies. He was just out of sight down here. Upriver about 25ft.
there was clearly a bear dining room with old fish carcasses everywhere.
He wouldn't budge, even with the bribes.

The kids and I participated in the
International Coastal Clean-up day.
Every year on September 20th groups gather to clean up
ocean, river and lake coasts.
This year was the first time Sitka participated.
We and 19 other people spent time on Razor Clam beach on Kruzof.
(For you locals, around the corner from Brent's Beach.)
Kobi is standing on about 1/3 of the pile collected.
Among the debris was two mini refrigerators,
buoys, tons of Styrofoam, a bazillion plastic bottles, tarps, and carpet.

Kobi picked up a lot of garbage. Anan picked up some, but he spent a lot
of time laying on his belly in the black sand. The sun came out off and on,
and not a drop of rain fell from the sky. It was great.

Kobi Scissor Mouth


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Paddle Boarding
Summer 2008

Trampoline Jumping in a Rain Forrest

Kobi and Pete just got out of the ocean from
paddle boarding. A day of,
if you can't beat the rain, join it.
This is Kobi's Kindergarten Teacher,
Mrs. Loomis.
She's very inclusive of our participation.
Anan and I parent helped the other day.
Today we brought pluots, kiwis and almonds
for the classroom snack.

This is how Anan spends his time
when Kobi is at school.

We rode our bikes to the HPR Rec for
Esther's birthday party this summer.
Kobi is the happiest on his bike,
peddling on his own, long distances.

An day at the beach.
Sea Lion Cove, Kruzof Island

First day of school with buddy Fiona.