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Sunday, February 25, 2007

He can wave!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Budding Picasso

Some friends of ours gave us an easel they had made for their kids years ago. Very sweet. Kobi has been painting off and on. It's fun to watch him create master pieces. Maybe he has a little of his Nana in him.

Moments to Melt From

This is what Annan looks like when Pete plays the violin for him in the tub. He looooves the tub and apparently loves the music. It was pretty darn cute to watch him watch Pete.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Birds, Squirrels and Seeds, Oh My!

A few weeks ago we finally hung the bird feeder Ward gave Pete for Christmas 2004 Secret Santa. We also hung pine cones covered in peanut butter and bird seed. The first visitors were many little brown Junkos and a few chickadees. Then 3 Stellar Jays arrived. They were a comedy act to watch as they balanced their big bodies on the edge of the house. As they bent down to eat some seed they would loose their balance and nearly fall before flying away. Eventually they figured it out. The squirrel is a crazy little guy. He spent some time like this, until he figured out how to get inside the house. From then on he sat inside, carefully eating only the sunflower seeds while spitting the shells out the top flap under the dormers.

If you look carefully, you can also see the red bird hanging beside the house. Another secret santa, from Chris I think.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Cities & Knights, Cookies and Gin?

Randy and I battled it out to see who would be the contender and who would be the Lord of Catan. The jury is still out. He traded with me on the last round to win knowing I would win. Is that fun? No, I didn't think so, even though it was 11:30pm. I gave his card back took back all my played cards and passed to Susan. The next round Pete lost a city to the barbarian therefore I lost my chance at a victory card to win the game. Then it came around to Randy again and he bumbled around with 20 cards to win the game. It must have been the gin.

We're nuts. Nearly obsessed with this game, but not quite.
Look at this guys Settlers game he made out of gingerbread & candy.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Pleeease, Do What Your Mother Says!

Or there's going to be a beating tonight.
I mean you move when I say move! - Bill Cosby, Himself

If you've never heard Bill Cosby do this piece I highly recommend listening to it. It's hilarous. I could figure out how to post the audio for everyone to hear. (If anyone knows how let me know)
We are wondering when the fun starts? Why can't we all just get along? Is parenting all about waiting for kids to grow up and get out of the house? As much as we love our kids dearly, we have lately had moments of disbelief. These are our kids? I think about pre-kid days when I so rightously mumbled to myself, "my kids won't be like that." I think every parent has to tell themselves this in order to justify procreation.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Friday, February 9, 2007

The Beginning

Who has time to maintain a blog?
Where do you even get a blog?
What's a blog?

My friend and I were posing these questions the other night while surfing the web and talking to each other on the phone. (why would we do that?!) Later when Annan woke up at 3am with a fever and didn't go back to sleep until almost 5am, I thought, I want a blog. What would a put on a blog? Who would the blog be for? ohhh...for all the people back east, down south, & bored people in town. Yep that's it.

At 4am we Needed a Blog. So here it is.

This is for the family (and friends) to see what we're up to, what we're thinking and our families general ramblings. Hope you enjoy.