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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Inspecting a Discovery

We went on an amazing walk Sunday and came across a small discovery. Kobi is explaining it in the video.
We also had a once in a lifetime wildlife experience. We witnessed the new journey of 11 Common Mergansers chicks leaving their nest for the first time. Merganser mothers do not bring food to her chicks. Therefore the babies have to leave the nest about a day after they hatch to feed themselves. The interesting part about this is, Mergansers often times nest in cliffs and old hawk nests many feet off the ground. In this case it was about 150-200 feet up a cliff in the gorge below Blue Lake damn. The mother flew out of the nest calling her young, and we watched all 11 of them tumble, fall, bounce and crash down the side of the cliff to meet mom in a small pond below. It was incredible. From the height of the cliff, and treacherous rock and other obstacles along the way we thought we were observing carnage. They all made it and scuttled over to mom ready to eat. Of course I didn't bring the camera, so the only documenting of our observation is in our brains & hearts.

1 comment:

princess japonski said...

Oh! I am happy to hear from you and glad you like my silly little blog. I took a peek at yours and it's wonderful. Makes me homesick. :)