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Friday, February 9, 2007

The Beginning

Who has time to maintain a blog?
Where do you even get a blog?
What's a blog?

My friend and I were posing these questions the other night while surfing the web and talking to each other on the phone. (why would we do that?!) Later when Annan woke up at 3am with a fever and didn't go back to sleep until almost 5am, I thought, I want a blog. What would a put on a blog? Who would the blog be for? ohhh...for all the people back east, down south, & bored people in town. Yep that's it.

At 4am we Needed a Blog. So here it is.

This is for the family (and friends) to see what we're up to, what we're thinking and our families general ramblings. Hope you enjoy.


Kevin said...
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Kevin said...

yo! Muskeg Pixie! blogs are so yesterday, you should be on myspace! :)

na- I actually like this better, less people spamming you... background color is a little hard to read though.

looking forward to checking in every now and again.
